9 mystery of pbma
Ruben Buray Ecleo Jr. (April 16, – May 13, ) was a Filipino politician and religious figure who was the leader of the Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association.
Alona bacolod
Convicted murderer and cult leader Ruben Ecleo Jr. died Thursday afternoon due to cardiopulmonary arrest, according to the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor).
Ecleo family tree
Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. (December 9, – December 20, ) was a Filipino cult leader who founded the Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association in , and the mayor of the .
Ruben ecleo mansion
Alan belongs to the powerful Ecleo political clan founded by Ruben Edera Ecleo Sr. Siblings –> Former Congressman and convicted murderer Ruben Jr., Glorigen, Grace, .